Plans submitted for nature walking trail near Claregalway

Galway Daily news

Plans have been submitted to improve public amenities in the Clargalway area with the creation of a new walking trail at Knockdoemore.

Cairde Mor Teoranta is seeking planning permission for a new 1.3km walking trail which connects to the existing walkway and other amenities at the CLG Baile Chlair na Gaillimhe grounds.

The trail will start at the CLG Baile Chlair na Gaillimhe grounds and finish close to Lackagh village.

The proposed walkway will include a rest bench and a shelter at the midway point and will exit at the R354, Knockdoemore next to an existing agricultural gate.

The plans submitted in this application also contain other works at CLG Baile Chlair na Gaillimhe including perimeter for fencing for existing pitches, ball catching nets and a covered area for spectators.

A public outdoor exercise area with gym equipment including a cross trainer, air walker, core twister, and leg ress and new site lighting will also be installed as part of the development.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report was submitted with this application.

Galway County Council is due to make a decision on this planning application by November 13.