City cemeteries closed except for burials

Galway Daily news Rahoon cemetery closed all day Wednesday

The cemeteries in Rahoon and Bohermore have been closed by the city council until further notice amidst the Covid-19 crisis.

The council has said that the two cemeteries have been shut as part of the measures put in place to combat the spread of coronavirus.

Until further notice they will only open to accept burials, with attendance limited to immediate family members.

Even then a strict limit of ten people is in place, and social distancing must also be observed during burials.

In a statement, the council offered its sympathy to families affected by this measure, and said that they will reopen as soon as possible.

“Galway City Council expresses sympathies with the families and friends of the bereaved and will strive to open cemeteries again as soon as advice is received from the HSE to do so.”

“Please consider the staff involved in burials who are trying to manage this very difficult situation while having the utmost sympathy for the families involved.”