Castlegar National School seeks to renovate preschool facilities

Galway Daily news Green light for new apartment complex in Rahoon

Castlegar National School is seeking permission to renovate its preschool facilities and improve pedestrian access.

The school has submitted a planning application with Galway city council to remove the existing preschool out at the front of the school’s site.

It’s intended to relocate the facilities to a new prefab to the rear of the school site on School Road, Castlegar.

A new ramped pedestrian entrance connecting to the parking and set down area will also be installed.

The Beoga preschool at Castlegar NS offers free preschooling for children from when they turn two years and eight months until they transfer to primary school.

No submissions were made to the city council concerning the application.

Castlegar NS is expected to have a decision on whether they can proceed with their renovation by February 6.