Body recovered in search for man missing off Galway coast

Galway Daily news missing girl found safe

A man’s body has been recovered off the coast of Galway today after a search spanning three days for a missing sailor.

Units from the Cleggan and Costello Bay Coast Guard, Rescue 115 helicopter, and Clifden and Aran Islands RNLI stations have been searching for a man missing since Thursday evening.

The search has been underway since Thursday evening after reports of a yachtsman reported missing after swimming out to retrieve a dinghy.

The search has been focused on an areas around Oileán Mhic Dara off the coast of Carna.

Gardaí have said this afternoon that the body of a man in his 60s has been found off the coast today.

“Gardaí with the assistance of the R.N.L.I., The Coast Guard and R115 recovered a body of a man, this afternoon Saturday 8th June, 2024 off the coast of Carna, Co. Galway.

The body of the deceased, a male in his 60s, will be removed to University Hospital Galway where a post mortem examination will take place.

A file will be prepared for the Coroners Court.”