Call for report into delays to Martin Roundabout conversion

Galway Daily news Call for report into delays to Martin Roundabout conversion

An explanation is needed for why the conversion of the Martin Roundabout has been delayed to near the end of the year, a City Councillor has said.

Councillor Alan Cheevers has said that the council should provide a detailed report on why the new Martin Junction will not be in place until the end of November.

The conversion of the roundabout to a signalised junction was originally supposed to be completed by early August, but that date has passed with much still to do.

The work will convert the existing Martin roundabout to a 4-arm traffic light controlled junction, along with other upgrades.

These will include the provision of cycle lanes, bus priority measures, footpaths and associated landscaping.

“Yet again we have missed another deadline,” Alan Cheevers said, adding that, “it’s not acceptable that we are getting excuses”.

Among the reasons given for the delays in the works, which began in January, has been hitting hard rock, and supply issues.

He said that it is not acceptable that the delay was not communicated to the public, and that this will mean more chaos for commuters and local residents.

Councillor Cheevers said that a full report should be brought before the council in September, including whether or not the project will go over its €5 million budget, or if penalty clauses exist in the contract.

He added that “I have received assurances that the cycle lanes being constructed in South Doughiska Road at Roscam will still go ahead as planned in Q4 this year.”