Bus Eireann ending 5% discount for online booking onmost services

Galway daily news Bus Eireann rolling out new Galway Expressway services

As of today, people who purchase their bus ticket online will no longer receive a 5% discount for any Bus Eireann commuter, rural and local services.

Bus Eireann has said that customers may still book their tickets online for convenience, and they are still not charging a transaction fee for any credit/debit purchases.

However any financial incentive to buy your ticket online ahead of time for most journeys is ended as of September 16.

The discount will still apply for people purchasing an inter-city bus ticket online.

People who wish to save money on bus fares are advised to make use of a Leap Card which can offer savings of up to 30% on cash fares.

Bus Eireann has come under criticism in the past year for a realignment of their services that has seen the use of multiple rural stops in Galway discontinued.