Brothers of Charity seek approval for Day Centre for people with a disability

Galway Daily news Planning approval for Oranhill residential development

The Brothers of Charity are seeking approval for a new Day Centre in Oranmore for people who have an intellectual disability.

Planning permission is being sought to amalgamate and change the use of two units at Carraig Lair, Oranmore into a day programme facility for people with a disability run by the Brothers of Charity.

The two units are currently approved for use as a retail outlet and a medical centre in the Oranmore Shopping Centre.

“We are proposing to set up a new day service for adults with an intellectual disability in Carraig Lair Centre, Oranmore,” a cover letter from the Brothers of Charity said.

“This will provide a day programme for adults with an intellectual disability living in the area. It will provide a range of day activities and operate as a resource hub for adults in the area.”

“Initially it will start with 8 individuals and could cater eventually for up to 25 people, some of whom may attend on a part time basis”.

“It will start initially with three staff but could eventually have up to 8 staff members.”

“It will provide a range of activities including arts, drama, dance, support with education and development of life skills.”

“It will support individuals linking in with and using local leisure facilities in the Oranmore area,” the letter concluded.

A letter of consent for this planning application on behalf of the landlords at Carraig Lair, Thunder Gulch Ltd, was also submitted to the county council.

Galway County Council is due to make a decision on this planning application by December 19.