Brothers of Charity submit plans for Headford road Day Centre

Galway Daily news Green light for new apartment complex in Rahoon

The Brothers of Charity have submitted plans for a Day Programme facility on the Headford road.

A planning application has been made on behalf of the Brothers of Charity to amalgamate and change the use of two retail units at Caireal Mór on the Headford road.

This is the second application made for a Day Programme facility at Cairéal Mór after the city council rejected a similar application to change the use of a vacant creche.

The council rejected that application, not because of opposition to the intended day centre, but because “the removal of this childcare facility would result in a significant loss of residential amenity” for homes in the area.

Galway city council is due to make a decision on this planning application by June 27. Public submissions about this project can be made to the council until June 6.