Boil Water Notice issued for Gort due to issues at treatment plant

Galway Daily news Kinvara Boil Water Notice

A temporary Boil Water Notice has been issued by Irish Water for customers supplied by the Gort Public Water Supply.

The advice was issued to protect the health of more than 2,700 people due to issues at the water treatment plant caused by freezing conditions.

Drinking water experts from Irish Water and Galway County Council are working to rectify the issues at the plant and lift the temporary notice as quickly and as safely as possible.

In the meantime, residents on this supply are advised to boil water before use until further notice.

galway daily news gort boil water notice
Map of affected area

Alternative water supplies in the form of bulk tankers have been arranged and are in place at Church Street.

The alternative water supplies will be replenished on a daily basis and customers are reminded to use their own containers when taking water from the tanker and to boil water before consumption as a precautionary measure.

Irish Water’s, Eoin Hughes, said that he regrets the inconvenience to impacted customers, saying that public health is Irish Water’s number one priority and we would like to assure customers that the notice has been put in place to protect public health.

“We completely understand the community’s frustration and can ensure everyone that we are working tirelessly to resolve the issues affecting the treatment plant. We again apologise for the inconvenience this has caused.”

Vulnerable customers who have registered with Irish Water receive direct communication on Boil Water Notices.

People have been reminded that the water is safe to consume once boiled.

Water must be boiled for

  • Drinking;
  • Drinks made with water;
  • Preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating;
  • Brushing of teeth;
  • Making of ice – discard ice cubes in fridges and freezers and filtered water in fridges. Make ice from cooled boiled water.