Boil water notice issued for 3,000 people in south Connemara

Galway Daily news Moycullen water outage

Uisce Éireann has issued a Boil Water Notice to protect the health of around 3,000 customers supplied by the Carna Kilkieran Public Water Supply in south Connemara.

This notice was issued after cryptosporidium was detected in the water supply, and all consumers affected by the notice must boil their water before drinking.

Drinking water experts from Uisce Éireann are working with the HSE to find solutions to lift the notice as quickly and as safely as possible.

In the meantime, all customers on this supply are advised to boil and cool their water before use until further notice.

Vulnerable customers who have registered with Uisce Éireann receive direct communication on Boil Water Notices.

Water must be boiled and cooled for drinking, drinks made with water, the preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating, brushing teeth and making ice.