Boil Water Notice for Ros a Mhil remains after over 4 months

Galway Daily news Boil Water Notice lifted after more than five months in place

A Boil Water Notice for some 250 homes in the Ros a Mhíl area remains in place after more than four months.

Uisce Eireann imposed the Boil Water Notice for a portion of the network in the area served by Rossaveal Reservoir at the end of last October.

This was due to low levels of chlorine and detections of Coliform bacteria in this part of the supply network.

In a statement to Galway Daily, Uisce Eireann said that further water sampling will be carried out in the coming days.

“We cannot be conclusive on a date to lift the Boil Water Notice as it is dependent on agreement from the HSE, following the receipt of satisfactory sampling results.”

“Please be assured that Uisce Éireann’s drinking water compliance and operational experts are working with colleagues in Galway County Council to lift the notice as quickly as it is safe to do so. We will continue to provide updates as we work to lift the notice”.

Water must be boiled for drinking, drinks made with water, preparation of food not cooked prior to eating, brushing teeth, or making ice.

However, the water supply is still suitable for hygiene purposes, such as showering and hand-washing.