Boil Water Notice for parts of Loughrea could last to next year

Galway Daily news Water outages expected in Loughrea tomorrow

Parts of Loughrea may see a Boil Water Notice persist into next year while works to replace old water mains are underway.

A Boil Water Notice was first issued for roughly 1,000 homes in Loughrea in late March due to low chlorine residuals and elevated levels of iron and turbidity in the public water supply, but has since been lifted in multiple areas.

The BWN remains in place for a number of areas including Castle Street, Church Street, King Street, Kelly Street, Piggott Street, Moore Street, Dolphin Street, Mount Carmel Crescent, Athenry Road, Liam Mellows Terrace, Cross Street and St. Brendan’s Day Care Centre.

Uisce Eireann has now commenced works to replace approximately 1.8km of old cast iron water mains with new pipework.

Uisce Éireann’s Eoin Hughes explained that as sections of the existing cast iron network are replaced, they and the County Council will be in a position to consult with the HSE with a view to lifting the Boil Water Notice in sections.

The works, which have begun on Cross Street, are currently expected to be full completed by Spring of 2024.

Eoin Hughes said that they are a, “critical step in safeguarding the water supply to homes and businesses in Loughrea ensuring a safer, more sustainable water supply.”

“We acknowledge the inconvenience that customers on this supply are experiencing and would like to reassure them that we are working as quickly and as efficiently as possible to complete this vital programme of works for the town and provide them with a safe and secure water supply for generations to come.”

The works will also involve laying new water service connections from the public water main in the road to customers’ property boundaries and connecting it to the customers’ water supply.

To reduce the impact on customers, areas of work will be limited to short sections and traffic management will be in place for the duration of the project to deliver the works safely and efficiently.

Customers can check if their property is included by visiting the Water Quality section of and entering the property’s Eircode or by calling the Uisce Éireann’s customer care helpline, open 24/7, on 1800 278 278.

For those areas still affected, water must be boiled for drinking, drinks made with water, preparation of food not cooked prior to eating, brushing teeth, or making ice.

However, the water supply is still suitable for hygiene purposes, such as showering and hand-washing.