Big crowds expected for Galway 2020 Eyre Square launch

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Galway 2020 will be launching the programme of events for the European Capital of Culture year in Eyre Square this month.

On Wednesday, September 18 Galway 2020 will hold a launch event open to the public in Eyre Square from 6pm t0 6:45pm.

Speaking ahead of the launch Helen Marriage, Creative Director of Galway 2020, said “Programme launches usually take place behind closed doors. We wanted to make it a special moment that the people of Galway could share.”

“It’s incredibly exciting to be at this stage when we can start to tell everyone about what is planned for the year.

“And this is just the beginning, a taste of what’s to come during a year in which Galway will be Ireland’s mirror to the world. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us!”

Chairperson Arthur Lapping will be joined by Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan on stage for the official launch.

There was a blunder earlier in the organisation of the launch event that limited the guest capacity in Eyre Square.

It was originally intended that the launch night would secure an event licence, which would allow up to 8,000 people to attend.

However it was reportedly left too late to apply, and instead 5,000 people will be able to attend under the event permit instead.

Over 100 volunteers will be on hand on the night to assist the audience and distribute copies of the programme.

There will be opportunities for people to get further information about becoming a volunteer Wave Maker and how to sign up.