Planning authority upholds rejection of Athenry solar farm

Galway Daily news perovskite solar panels

Plans for a 20Mw solar farm and battery storage facility near Athenry have been refused by An Bord Pleanála.

Galway county council had previously rejected the solar farm in the area of Toberoe, Caraunduff, Caherbriskaun and Rathmorrissy townlands near Athenry last June.

That decision was appealed to the higher planning authority by Soleirtricity Ltd of Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin.

An Bord Pleanála decided to uphold the county council’s original decision to refuse permission.

The development would have consisted of a farm of photovaltic panels with four transformer substations and, and forty 1Mw battery storage containers.

In deciding to refuse permission An Bord Pleanála took into consideration the proximity of the solar farm to the M6 and M17/18 motorways which it was felt would pose a danger to drivers.

The authority felt that glint and glare from the panels may “impair driver’s vision and cause distraction and have adverse effects on road safety.

It was also said that the project wpuld interfere with residential and visual amenities of this rural area, and have a negative impact on the visual landscape.