Army working conditions present risk to Ireland’s national security

Galway Daily news 20,000 sandbags being deployed in the city

Local senator Gerard Craughwell has spoken out against the poor working conditions in the Irish Defence Forces which he says now present a risk to our national security.

In an email to his colleagues, Senator Craughwell spoke about how military personnel feel that politicians are out of touch with members of the Defence Forces.

He said that serving soldiers, sailors and air crews are struggling to understand the thinking in the Oireachtas.

He also said that the biggest problem for the Defence Forces is a lack of funding.

“A commission was established to examine the future of the defence forces and neutered at its establishment as it really could not deal with pay and conditions.”

The Independent senator said that its report is with us for over a year and, “to the man on the street, nothing has happened.”

“It is not only our security that is being put at risk it’s our place in the world.

“We big ourselves up seeking high profile seats on the UN Security Council etc, but in reality, we are now a laughingstock.”