Aran Islands Gaelscoil unable to find enough teachers with Irish for all subjects

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Coláiste Gnobnáit Gaelscoil on Inis Oírr will be teaching several of its subjects through English this year due to a lack of qualified gaelgeoirs.

The secondary school on Inis Oírr will be forced to teach Art, Home Economics, and Maths, a crucial core subject, through Irish because there weren’t qualified applicants with Irish.

The Galway Roscommon Education and Training Board has been trying to fill these positions without success for the past several months.

The teaching positions were advertised earlier this summer along with 23 other teaching positions in Galway, nine of which were also at Gaelscoils, with a closing date for applications of July 25.

However the recent news shows that they were unable to fill those vacancies.

It can be difficult for a teacher to commit to teaching a full year out on the Aran Islands, as they will likely be travelling to and from the island, which is a significant expense.

Last year there were 27 students enrolled at Coláiste Ghobnait, though it’s reported that has dropped to 23 for this coming academic year.

Coláiste Ghobnait offers 14 subjects at a Junior Cert Level, and 12 for the Leaving Cert.

There is also a transition year programme at the gaelscoil which has 12 subjects.

Students from outside the area who want to immerse themselves in the Gaeltacht for the learning experience can apply for the Island Scholarship Scheme.

The grant supplied by the Department of Arts, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht supports a student for a full academic year at one of five island secondary schools.