Approval given for block of apartments with creche in Gort

Galway Daily news Green light for new apartment complex in Rahoon

Planning permission has been granted for the alteration of a mixed use development in Gort to include the construction of 11 new apartments and renovations to a creche in the building.

The building on Tubber Road, Gort has a number of commercial units which are being removed to make way for seven 2-bed apartments on the ground floor, and four apartments on the first floor.

The county council made a request for further information in July which was answered by the developer last month.

The council requested that a Natura Impact Statement be submitted and and the number of car parking spaces for the site be recalculated due to the increase in residential units from an earlier application.

With the additional apartments and the staff of the creche it was decided that 22 parking spaces were needed.

The NIS submitted said that the development would not impact on a nearby Special Area of Conservation.

Galway County Council gave permission for the development to go ahead with 17 conditions attached.