Appeal lodged over temporary ED and new Energy Centre at UHG


Local residents have lodged an appeal with An Bord Pleanála against retention permission for the temporary emergency department and new plant building at UHG.

The HSE received planning permission from the city council in May to retain the temporary ED set up at the front of the hospital last year.

Planning approval was also granted for a new Electrical Energy Centre at the east/northeast of the hospital campus, which the application stated is needed to meet the standards of the ESB.

There were 39 objections submitted to the city council during the initial planning phase, raising concerns about noise and light pollution, and the potential for the loss of parking to affect neighbouring areas.

Many of the concerns expressed related to the planned construction of the new Electrical Energy Centre, and how it would impact the area in its intended location, rather the emergency department.

An appeal against the council’s decision has now been made to the higher planning authority by the Newcastle Park Residents Association.

The objection which the Residents Association had submitted to the city council was solely concerned with the Energy Centre.

It said that 31 car parking spaces will be lost of the EC is built in its planned location, exacerbating an already severe shortage, and that the building will have a negative impact on local residential amenity.

An Bord Pleanála is due to make a decision on this planning appeal by October 18 of this year.