Appeal against permission for Bohermore apartments rejected

Galway Daily news Appeal against Moneenageisha road apartments rejected

An Bord Pleanála has rejected an appeal against planning permission for two blocks of apartments in Bohermore.

Oakway Developments secured planning permission for 14 apartments on the Moneenageisha road from the city council on October 25 of last year.

The development will consist of one two-storey building with four apartments and one three-storey building with ten units.

Three buildings were demolished on what the planning authority describes as an “overgrown brownfield site” to make way for this development.

Three submissions were made to the city council last year concerned about an increase in anti-social behaviour, more traffic, and their privacy.

The city council granted planning permission with 23 conditions after Oakway submitted a revised design and a Traffic and Transport Assessment.

An appeal against the grant of planning permission was lodged by one local resident with concerns that the new apartment blocks would overlook their home, and that construction would undermine the boundary wall.

An Bord Pleanála considered that the 11m separation between properties was enough to mitigate any overlooking issues, that the project would not affect the visual amenity of the area, and that the 14 parking spaces included in the design were sufficient.

The inspector also noted that the Moneenageisha road is already a high traffic area, and that the addition of 14 homes would not significantly alter that.

The higher planning authority rejected the appeal and upheld planning permission with 13 revised conditions.