Apache’s new pizza has the most unlikely toppings

just eat apache pizza galway daily

Easter is associated with many things: Jesus’ ressurection, bunnies, eggs, family dinners and, of course, chocolate.

With the latter in mind, Apache Pizza has stepped up to the (dessert) plate to create a brand-new treat for the holiday.

The dessert, made with Apache’s signature pizza dough, is covered in melted chocolate and toffee sauce and topped with crunchy chocolate cookie crumbs.

Available for delivery at Just Eat for a limited time, the square cut slice of chocolate pizza-dessert is available from Apache restaurants in Galway, with contact-free payment and delivery enabling customers to stay safe while adhering to HSE guidelines on social distancing and isolation.

But if chocolate pizza isn’t your bag, Just Eat recently annonced the new restaurants which are now offering delivery services in Galway.