An Bord Pleanála green light’s Salthill housing development

Galway Daily news An Bord Pleanála green light's Salthill housing development

An Bord Pleanála has granted planning permission for a residential development of 22 houses in Salthill.

K King Construction has received the green light for six blocks of terraced houses, and one detached house, at Rockbarton Court in Salthill.

The bord granted approval over strong local opposition, rejecting four third-party appeals by local residents.

Planning permission for the housing development was granted by An Bord Pleanála with a total of 28 revised conditions attached.

All parking spaces must be fitted with ducting for electric vehicle charging points, and the bord stipulated that they may not be sold or leased to anyone not resident in the estate.

The bord also ordered that all of these homes must, in the first instance, be sold to individuals, not corporate entities.

The infill site is currently an undeveloped field area on the south side of the Rockbarton Court road, surrounded by existing developments.

The estate will have 26 parking spaces after the city council said that the originally planned 31 spaces were excessive.

The public open space for the housing estate was also redesigned after planners raised doubts about the level and quality of space provided in the original plans.