An Bord Pleanala approves 18m high mobile mast in Aughrim

Galway Daily news An Bord Pleanala approves 18m high mobile mast in Aughrim

A green light has been given for a new 18m high telecoms mast in the centre of Aughrim village.

Eircom Ltd has received planning permission from An Bord Pleanála to replace an existing 12m wooden pole at their Exchange Building in Aughrim with an 18m monopole structure.

The planning application states that the infrastructure in place is no longer capable of supporting their equipment, and that Aughrim has deficient 4G coverage for Eir.

This new equipment is meant to improve on that, and also to provide 5G coverage for the area.

Galway County Council had refused planning permission for the development in 2022, citing its location within an established residential area, with multiple homes, community facilities, and a school in close proximity.

The council rejected that technical justification with the application, and said that there were more suitable locations elsewhere.

In their appeal to An Bord Pleanála Eircom said that there is an established telecommunications use of the site, and that mast is meant to serve Aughrim, so it must be located in the town.

The appeal also stated that while there would be some visual impact, it would be intermittent, and that landscaping is planned to reduce that.

Several third party submissions were made to An Bord Pleanála, stating that the mast would be visually obtrusive, and devalue property in the area.

In the Inspector’s Report for An Bord Pleanála it was noted that the proposed mast would not block any view, and with the established use of the site, would not represent a discordant feature.

Planning permission for the new mobile mast was granted by An Bord Pleanála with nine conditions attached.

Before any work can take place, details of proposed tree planting along the front boundary of the site must be agreed on with the county council.