Almost €40 million spent on Galway suppliers by Lidl last year

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Lidl spent €39 million on goods and services from Galway suppliers and business partners in 2023, according to a new report by the retailer.

The €39 million spent locally is part of a total of €1.6 billion that was procured by Lidl from businesses across Ireland last year.

The report published this week found that a total of €1.1 billion worth of goods was procured from the Irish agri-food industry, with an additional €500 million worth of services provided by local Irish businesses to the retailer last year.

Of the €1.1 billion worth of goods procured from local food and drink suppliers, €800 million stayed within Lidl Ireland’s operations to be sold through its local store network.

Lidl’s key Galway suppliers include Glenamaddy-based Westbake who have supplied Lidl with much of the retailer’s confectionary range to stores in Ireland since 2019.

Commenting on the report, Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Neale Richmond, said that it demonstrates a strong commitment in supporting the growth of Irish businesses, many of whom Lidl have worked with for more than 20 years.

“Since then, Lidl has helped grow many Irish suppliers internationally through export opportunities across the Lidl global store network.

“With €1.6 billion worth of goods and services procured in Ireland by Lidl in 2023 alone, Lidl sets an example for the retail industry by showcasing the importance of strong local partnerships as a driver of economic growth in Ireland.”