Funding of €58,000 for flood relief in Loughrea and Woodford welcomed

East Galway flooding funding

The allocation of over €58,000 in funding for flood alleviation measures in East Galway will allow for the installation of a surface-water drain at in Loughrea and repairs to an embankment at in Woodford.

That’s according to Galway East TD Ciaran Cannon who said that the Scheme under which the works come generally applies where a solution can be identified and carried out in a short time frame.

Minister Cannon said: “I am very pleased to note the allocation of over €58,000 in funding for flood alleviation measures at two locations in East Galway – Rafarn, Loughrea and Derryoober, Woodford.

“The funding is to be provided by the Office of Public Works to Galway County Council with €45,000 for the installation of a surface-water drain at Rafarn, Loughrea and €13,500 to undertake repairs to an embankment at Derryoober, Woodford.

“The funding comes under the Minor Flood Mitigation Works Scheme which was put in place by the OPW in 2009 in light of the severe flooding that year.

“The function of the Scheme is to provide funding to local authorities such as Galway County Council to undertake minor flood mitigation works or studies to deal with localised fluvial flooding and coastal protection problems within their administrative areas.

“The Scheme generally applies where a solution can be identified and carried out in a short time frame.”

Minister Cannon added that since 2016, this Scheme has seen in excess of €2m allocated to both Galway County and City Council and that he is pleased that it will solve the issues with respect to flooding in both Rafarn and Derryoober.