Ahascragh water supply to be shut off for leak repairs

Galway city news Water outages in Salthill due to burst mains today

People living in the area around Ahascargh will be without a water supply today due to leak detection works.

The work being done on the mains network around Ahascragh is part of Irish Water’s leak detection programme.

Homes and businesses in the area of Lisseyegan, Castlegar East, Eglish, Addergoole, Ervallagh and Ballyglass will be without water while work is taking place.

According to Galway county council the water network in those areas will be shut off from 10am to 5pm on Wednesday, February 20.

A traffic management plan will be in place while work is underway.

It may take 2-3 hours after the leak detection works have been completed for full water supply to return to affected homes.

Anyone affected by this or with any inquires can contact Irish Water at 1850 448 448 or through twitter @IWCare.