Galway City LCDC approves grants worth €55,368

Galway Daily news Four Galway community groups awarded funding for special transport vehicles

Galway City Local Community Development Committee has approved grants totalling €55,368 to a wide range of local groups and organisations in Galway City.

The funding under the Community Enhancement Programme for 2020 will support a number of small scale capital projects and larger capital projects.

Twenty-five projects have been approved funding for a variety projects that will improve facilities in disadvantaged areas, targeted appropriately towards the areas that need it most.

Some of the grants approved are small capital grants of €1,000 or less, providing support to smaller community projects to get off the ground.

In addition, some larger grants were approved – with some groups being affected by the pandemic.

Full list of projects approved under the Community Enhancement Programme 2020 
Name of Group / Organisation Purpose of Grant Grant Approved
Blue Teapot Theatre Company Purchase of lockable interior door to upgrade day facility room for people with intellectual disabilities.
Purchase of COVID-19 health and safety upgrades
Merlin Woods Tennis Club Purchase of Sports Equipment – Tennis scoreboard/Tennis balls €450
Kara Short Mat Bowls Club Purchase of Sports Equipment – Sets of Bowls and Lifters €830
The Eglinton Community Organic Garden Purchase of Garden Shed, shelves and garden bench to develop community facility €798
Merlin Woods Sports Club Purchase of Sports Equipment to develop and improve skills €1,000
St. James Ladies Football Club Purchase of Sports Equipment – Nets, flags and goal posts €845
Walk The Talk Galway Purchase of Sports Equipment to encourage participants to engage in activities €930
Galway Community Circus Purchase of signage to enhance facility used by the local community €1,000
Ballybane Study Club Project – Galway City Partnership Purchase of IT Equipment to support children’s education €2,957
Ballybane Afterschool Project – Galway City Partnership Purchase of IT Equipment, educational games and COVID-19 equipment to support the service €1,880
Ballybane & Doughiska Sports Hub Purchase of storage equipment needed as a result of COVID-19 €2,977
Sexual Health West (Formerly AIDS West) Purchase of IT, safety and COVID-19 equipment to allow Sexual Health West to reopen their office efficiently and safely €4,169
Ballinfoile Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre Purchase of laptops/webcams and training equipment to facilitate courses and workshops in the community in line with COVID-19 €4,540
Westside Age Inclusion Ltd Purchase of energy efficient machines for services provided to the community €3,300
Galway City Partnership Purchase of IT Equipment to support social inclusion services €2,200
BRIDGE (Building a Receptive and Integrated Galway of Equals) Purchase of IT Equipment and COVID-19 equipment to deliver training to the refugee and migrant community €2,397
Westside Community Organic Garden To purchase equipment – lawnmower and materials to build wheelchair accessible raised beds €1,162
Teach Áthais Childcare Centre Ltd Upgrade of play area needed as a result of COVID-19 €2,991
Access for All Purchase of IT Equipment and COVID-19 adaptations for blind and visually impaired €1,608
Galway African Diaspora Ireland Purchase of sound equipment to promote afro music in the City €1,500
Cumann na bhFear Sandy Road Galway Purchase of blacksmith forge and wood lathe to facilitate the upskilling of the group €3,000
Olympic Boxing Club Purchase of locker system, separate training ring for juvenile boxers, COVID-19 safety and sanitation equipment, IT Equipment for COVID-19 signage €2,500
Foróige Galway STEAM Project Purchase of Laptops to support families to access IT Equipment €5,000
Galway Centre for Independent Living Ltd. Purchase of IT Equipment, Safety Equipment and Signage needed as a result of COVID-19 to support the service for Galway City €5,000
Amdalah Africa Foundation  – AMDAF Purchase of IT Equipment and speaker system for use by the community group €1,556
Total Amount Allocated €55,368