More than 50 jobs to be created by Italian company

Galway Daily Travagliato Italian company creating 50 jobs in Galway

Italian company Antares Vision announced today it is to establish a Software Development Centre in Galway, creating 53 jobs.

The jobs will be created over five years in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence.

The company provides Italian inspection systems, track & trace and smart data management solutions for some of the most demanding sectors.

These include pharmaceutical, medical devices, cosmetics, food & beverage.

The project is supported by the Irish Government through IDA Ireland.

Founded in 2007, the company is privately owned and headquartered in Travagliato near Brescia, Italy with a workforce of over 400.

The company specialises in Computer Vision Systems where cameras and sensors capture and elaborate images at high speed to identify possible defects on products.

Speaking about today’s announcement, Antares Vision’s CEO Emidio Zorzella said that this step shows the forward direction the company is moving in.

“Today we are present in a direct way in Italy, Brazil, United States, France, Germany, South Korea and soon in India, furthermore the global coverage involves a network of partners in a capillary way.

“In Galway, unlike in the past, Antares Vision opens a centre exclusively dedicated to R&D, a further sign of progressive and solid growth.

“Antares Vision grows together with its resources, with respect and team spirit; it is the people that are the true value of the company, which is confirmed by a low staff turnover of just 1.6%,” Ms Zorzella explained.

Welcoming today’s announcement, Minister for Business, Enterprise & Innovation, Heather Humphreys TD said that this is a very exciting project for Galway and the West Region.

“Antares Vision is creating a centre exclusively dedicated to R&D with over 50 jobs for software developers and researchers over the next five years. I’m confident that you will have no difficulty sourcing the skills you require and I look forward to watching you grow in the coming years,” she said.

Massimo Bonardi, Antares Vision’s Managing and Technical Director said that the creation of the Software Development Centre in Galway is a crucial part of a strategic business choice of continuous investments.

“Galway’s investment will allow Antares Vision to offer to our partners innovative products to expand in new business area,” Mr Bonardi said,