40 NUI Galway researchers awarded Irish Research Council funding

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Forty researchers at NUI Galway will receive funding under the Irish Research Council’s prestigious Government of Ireland funding programme.

Among the researchers at NUIG to receive funding are Judit Villena Rodó, Joanne O’Dwyer and Martin Kenny, and 296 scholars in total will receive funding through the programme.

The awards represent an investment of over €21 million in early career research, across all academic disciplines.

“I am delighted to announce this investment by government in developing the next generation of research leaders across disciplines,” said Minister Simon Harris.

“Across higher education, enterprise, civil society and the public sector, expert knowledge and skills is a critical need for our present and our future.

“The awards announced today support a pipeline of research talent which will be at the forefront of addressing the many challenges and opportunities we face.”

Congratulating this year’s awardees, Irish Research Council Director, Peter Brown, said that the Irish Research Council Government of Ireland awards form a critical pillar within Ireland’s research and innovation eco-system.

“The two programmes, addressing postgraduate and postdoctoral research, are the only ones of their kind in Ireland, funding excellent research across all disciplines and are highly competitive, nationally and internationally,” he said.

“Awardees benefit greatly from having obtained a research award in their own name, demonstrating world-class potential in their chosen field from early-career stage.

“Through this and other IRC programmes, the Council continues to deliver the best and brightest research talent for Ireland.

“Working hand-in-glove with our research-performing organisations, awardees will expand the frontiers of knowledge and generate the research and innovations that will help to address national and global societal challenges.”

Details of the 40 NUI Galway researchers and projects

Judit Villena Rodó has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Migrant Women, Coercive Control and Intimate Partner Violence: an examination of women’s ability to access remedies in Ireland and Spain.’

Joanne O’Dwyer has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Creation of effective targeted immunotherapy in a local refillable delivery system for ovarian cancer.’

Martin Kenny has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Queer Connections: identifying and expanding a sense of a queer national consciousness through the production, presentation and reception of Irish theatre and performance, from 1960 – 2020.’

Aislaigh Cahillane, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Narratives of Water (In)Justice in Contemporary Hydrofictions from Australia, Ireland and the United States of America.’

Alan Keane, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘The Development of a Next-Generation Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy for Critical Limb Ischaemia.’

Beatrice Canossi, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘The use of truth commissions’ evidence in prosecutions: bridging gaps and information sharing between international prosecutions and truth seeking mechanisms.’

Clara Mallon, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Invisible Ireland? Performing and Representing the Working-Class in Irish Theatre during the Celtic Tiger Era.’

Dakota Holmes, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Providing Insights from Climate Archives (PICA): a multiproxy approach for the reconstruction of AMOC response to Quaternary climate events.’

Deborah Malone, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Investigating limitations on Adaptive Optics performance for the European Extremely Large Telescope.’

Deborah Mireles, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Understanding Subsidiary Managers Engagement in Strategic Activities.’

Divya Ravikumar, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Food provision and the homeless population: working together to enable solutions.’

Elizabeth Quirke, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘“When They Talk About Mothers”: Investigating Queer Kinship in Contemporary Poetry.’

Emma Corley, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia: Characterising the Combined Effects of Common Genetic Variation and Early Life Adversity.’

Federica Modafferi, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Investigating the Transgenerational Inheritance of Centromeres using a Bovine In Vitro Fertilisation Model System.’

Francesca Guido, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Recovering the sources, influence and transmission of Charisius’ Latin grammar.’

John Ivory, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘The reliability and diagnostic validity of clinical manifestations of biofilm in venous leg ulcers.’

Kathy Dillon, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Representing the ‘Other’: The Sociological Importance of Contemporary Francophone women writers: Leïla Slimani, Noufissa Sabï and Houria Boussejra.’

Keith Lyons, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Venomous Invaders: Investigating the role of venom in ecological invasions.’

Laura Cutugno, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Genetic characterisation of the Vibrio vulnificus stressosome and its role in stress response and virulence.’

Lioba Verena Speicher, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘The Old Norse Sagas of Antiquity: a study in cross-cultural Classical reception and transnational networks in Medieval Scandinavia, Ireland, and Europe.’

Lorene Lefebvre, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: Deciphering mechanisms of Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) in forage and model grasses.’

Maria Cullen, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Humanitarian aid in hostile environments: comparing the emergency relief operations of Oxfam and Médecins sans Frontières in the Global South, 1979-1986.’

Mary Hopkins, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Preclinical and clinical investigation of the endocannabinoid system as a viable novel target for diagnosis and treatment of low back pain.’

Marylette Roa, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Diversity and ecology of squamate gut microbiome.’

Megan Winterlich, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Synthesis and characterisation of novel magnetic metal organic frameworks for a targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs through magnetic dynamic therapy.’

Michela Dianetti, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘The Narrative of Objects as Ethical Facts in Iris Murdoch and Elsa Morante.’

Nikolett Warner, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Being diagnosed with cancer promoting genetic mutations BRCA 1 and 2 in Ireland: Development of an intervention to enhance coping skills and improve knowledge.’

Seun Adebayo, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Developing more culturally responsive pedagogies with Irish primary school teachers using a learning study approach.’

Siobhán Hamon, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Therapeutic potential of parasite-derived immunomodulatory peptides in the treatment of sepsis and acute kidney injury (AKI).’

V’cenza Cirefice, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Local environmental resistance to extractivism in Ireland: A feminist environmental justice lens.’

Ciaran Arthur, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Intentional Obscurity and ‘Divine Speech’ in Early English Texts.’

Cliona Hensey, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Reconstructive Memory Work: Trauma, Witnessing and the Imagination in Contemporary Writing by Daughters of Harkis.’

Dieter Reinisch, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Changing patterns of political violence and peaceful protest in European democracies: A historical comparison of social movements in Germany and Ireland.’

Dnyaneshwar Garad, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Sulfamidates as Electrophilic Reagents for the Site-Specific Incorporation of Biologically Relevant Post-translationally Modified Lysine Residues into Protein.’

Dualta O Fionnagain, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Characterising high speed transient radio emission from planetary electrostatic discharges using the Owens Valley Low Wavelength Array.’

Gabriel Krasovec, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Exploring the morphogenetic functions of apoptosis in the cnidarian Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus.’

Mehmet Gurdal, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Development and assessment of full-thickness scaffold-free human corneal equivalents using macromolecular crowding.’

Saidulu Konda, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Development of novel constrained sia-gal mimetics for the prevention of influenza virus infections.’

Sirsendu Bhowmick, a researcher at NUI Galway, has been awarded the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on a project titled: ‘Fabrication of bioinspired artificial extracellular matrix scaffold for diabetic wound care.’