35 patients in Galway hospitals unable to be discharged due to lack of alternate care


There are 35 patients in Galway’s public hospitals hospitals who a fit for medical discharge, but unable to be sent home due to a lack of alternative care available.

At University Hospital Galway, as of September 12, there were 26 adult and 2 child patients who are medically fit for discharge.

However they remain in hospital, many for months of years, because of a lack of alternative placements for them.

The two child patients ay University Hospital had been in hospital for 81 days and 37 days respectively.

Of the adult patients, three had been in hospital for more than a year. One for 431 days, another for 537 days, and a third for 1,151 days.

At Portiuncula Hospital there were a further seven adult patients who are medically discharged, but remain accommodated on general medical wards due to lack of alternative care.

This information was provided to the latest Regional Health Forum meeting in response to a question from Galway City Councillor John Connolly.

Ann Cosgrove, COO of the Saolta Hospital Group, said that discharging patients can be dependent on, “long term care facility placements to become available or additional home
help supports to be put in place” before they can leave the hospital.