22 extra gardaí patrolling Galway’s roads this Christmas

Galway daily news Woman in her 80s seriously injured after being hit by car

There’ll be an extra presence on the roads in Galway over Christmas as 22 additional Gardaí have been detailed to Galway for roads policing.

Operation Open City has seen 117 extra gardaí brought in to patrol the roads of Galway, Cork, Limerick, and Waterford.

The Gardaí always make roads policing a priority over the Christmas period as too many people choose to get beind the wheel after having too much to drink.

Western Regional Traffic Superintendent Noel Kelly has said that the additional resources for Galway have doubled the patrol fleet going out each day.

There will be checkpoints around the city and county, and patrolling gardaí will also be keeping an eye out for illegal parking.

An analysis of Garda statistics by the Road Safety Authority found that 11% of road fatalities involving alcohol took place between 7am and 11am.

Minister for Transport and Tourism Shane Ross said “We know that alcohol remains a significant contributory factor in fatal crashes and is responsible for far too many deaths and injuries on Irish roads.

“I appeal to all those socialising over the Christmas and New Year period to do so responsibly and never, ever, drink and drive, including the morning after.”

The alcohol limit for drivers on Irish roads, as well as the penalties they face, have recently been tightened with up to three months suspension for getting caught with blood alcohol content of between 50mg and 80mg.