2023 TidyTowns competition is launched

Galway Daily news Miss Galway rolls up her sleeves for beach cleanup
Miss Galway Ava Mathews, pictured with Rita O'Malley and Marty Nix of the Loghrea Tidy Towns Committee at Lough Rea at the nationwide beach and waterways clean-up last year. Pic: Miss Ireland Org

Minister Heather Humphreys and Managing Director of SuperValu Ian Allen have launched the 2023 TidyTowns competition today.

The competition, sponsored by SuperValu, has been bringing communities together and addressing some of the environmental challenges of modern society since 1958.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the TidyTowns competition, and it is expected that it will attract one of the highest number of entries ever.

The official launch took place in Trim, County Meath – the winners of the 2022 Supervalu Tidy Towns Competition.

Minister for Community Development Heather Humphreys said that the competition has become part of the fabric of Irish society.

“The saying ‘ní neart go cur le chéile’, which means unity is our strength, really sums up what SuperValu TidyTowns is all about.

“Once again the focus this year will be on bringing communities and TidyTowns volunteers of all ages together as we effect real change and make our towns and villages better places to live, work, visit and raise a family.”

The number of entries is steadily increasing and many new groups are entering the competition for the first time or returning with new enthusiasm and drive to improve their local areas.

The Special Awards also continue to bring an added dimension to the completion and again this year we have an impressive array of special awards with some fantastic prizes.

The closing date for receipt of entries for this year’s competition is Wednesday, 10 May 2023.

Entry forms for the SuperValu TidyTowns competition are available at  www.tidytowns.ie and will be emailed to all registered groups. Entry to the competition will only be accepted by email to the tidytowns@drcd.gov.ie address.