1,500 without water in Kilkerrin-Moylough due to rain contamination

Galway Daily news Ballyconneelly water outages

Roughly 1,500 in the Kilkerrin-Moulough area without water due to contamination of the raw supply from heavy rain.

Irish Water and Galway County Council have said that they are working to restore the full water supply to areas affected by this contamination.

“Areas supplied by Slieveroe Water Tower, may suffer loss of water supply due to a deterioration in raw water quality as a result of exceptionally heavy rain,” a statement from Irish Water said.

“Most homes will have some storage in their tanks so during this time those with water supply should conserve water and not use dishwashers or washing machines if possible.”

Irish Water said that it is unlikely that the full water supply will be restored o local resident before 6pm on Monday evening.

“Irish Water would like to apologise for the inconvenience and assure customers that crews are on the ground and every effort is being made to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.”