12,000 meals provided as people in Galway City round up their orders

galway daily news deliveroo foodcloud partnership
Picture: Conor McCabe Photography.

Deliveroo customers in Galway City have helped provide over 12,000 meals to FoodCloud’s charity partners across Ireland since October last year.

More than 2,600 generous Galwegians contributed to the ‘Full Life’ campaign by rounding-up their food orders, making a donation to Food Cloud at check-out.

The partnership between Food Cloud and the delivery service aims to tackle the twin issues of food waste and food insecurity by providing 500,000 meals for people facing food insecurity across the country.

For every €1 raised, 3.2 meals will be provided to people facing food insecurity.

Aoibheaan O’Brien, Co-Founder & Director of Development and Innovation, FoodCloud said: “We are delighted to partner with Deliveroo on its Full Life Campaign, an initiative to raise awareness on the twin issues of food waste and food insecurity that enables customers to donate to support our work.

“Investing in food redistribution ensures that good food gets to people in a way that helps alleviate some of the challenges they face today, whilst protecting our planet and strengthening our communities for tomorrow.”

Helen Maher, Regional Director, Deliveroo Ireland, said she is really proud of their partnership with FoodCloud to support their network of charities.

“We have set an ambitious target of helping to provide 4 million meals through our charity partnerships globally, including 500,000 meals in Ireland through our FoodCloud partnership.

“Together with our fantastic customers, restaurant and grocery partners, and riders we want to play our part in helping to tackle food insecurity and hunger in Galway and Ireland as a whole.”