1.5km of leaky water mains being replaced in Spiddal

Galway Daily news Water outages in multiple north Galway areas

Galway County Council and Irish Water are replacing 1.5km of leaky old water mains in the Spiddal area to improve the consistency of the water supply in the area.

The water mains off the Barr nag Curragh road are prone to  frequent bursts and leakage which caused water supply disruptions for local residents.

The old leaky pipes are being replaced with high density polyethylene (plastic) pipes.

Work is due to commence in mid-January and will be completed by the end of April.

There will be some traffic management measure in place to facilitate the delivery of these works, but local access will be maintained at all times.

Dave Murphy of Irish Water said “The works may involve some short-term water shut offs and the project team will ensure that customers are given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to any planned water shut offs.”

“We understand that this type of work can be inconvenient and works crews will make every effort to minimise any disruption these necessary works cause.”

“This mains replacement work is part of a significant investment by Irish Water to upgrade the water network in Galway and we would like to thank customers in advance for their cooperation and patience while we complete this essential job.”