Vehicles and Road Safety: The Future of Driving

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    For most people, the amount of time we spend in our cars can rival the time spent inside our homes or at our desks. With such a significant chunk of our lives spent on the road, it is no surprise that developers are constantly working on ways to improve the safety conditions of not only what we drive, but where we drive as well. Even the most zen driver can experience various levels of dissatisfaction behind the wheel. Every day new reports on technological advancements are presented with the promise of changing how we drive, for the better. 

    Increased Visibility

    The introduction of onboard cameras is not terribly new, however engineers are constantly tweaking this concept and finding ways to better the initial product. Onboard cameras give motorists an opportunity to rely on more than just their own eyes to help with safety. For example, blind spot censors are now widely available in most cars and have been proven to help prevent errors that occur when only the human eye is in charge. 

    Visibility improvements reach beyond the independent motorists though. Logistics and transport companies have been able to take advantage of fleet management software to have more control over their fleet safety. Dash cams for trucks give drivers and managers an opportunity to get in front of any potential issues in real time. These professionals rely on features designed to increase visibility for smooth roads ahead when reliance on their own eyesight is simply not enough. 

    Traffic Patterns

    With changes to vehicle technology, it should come as no surprise that there are noticeable changes to traffic patterns as well. Although these advancements are for all intents and purposes, a good thing, some reports share that drivers are replacing their full reliance on technology in lieu of using their own tangible skills. To mitigate this issue developers are troubleshooting ways to combine the two. For example, features that can scan a driver’s face and behavior patterns to start the vehicle are being developed in some countries to help to combat drunk driving occurrences. 

    Social Awareness

    It is important to understand that excitement over these advancements and a priority on safety can exist within the same space. One way to support this is through an increased social awareness about the challenges as well as the benefits. Giving the public an opportunity to understand on a relatable level how the features in their cars are intended to be for driver assistance but can also result in driver distraction is important. 


    The common person on the road is not going to have a frame of reference for the business end of driving and the regulatory issues that engineers and manufacturers face. However, the common person is going to have access to social platforms that can be used as a liaison between them, and the professionals. Simple social media blasts, commercials, and online advertisements are a great way to ensure that important safety information is widely available to the masses and being interjected into the everyday motorists’ habits effortlessly.