Is buying a research paper online safe?

    Galway Daily news

    The question of safety is the first and foremost question that plagues college and university students who decide to purchase a research paper to improve their studies. After all, missing the undeniable benefits of such an approach is undesirable. It includes easy access to new ideas, reliable sources, and the opportunity to write with a quality example before their eyes before they start developing research essays from scratch.

    However, many students worry about confidentiality, text quality, and many other potential issues that can arise when you buy a paper online from an unreliable company. Let’s analyze the main advantages and dangers of this decision and how to avoid the pitfalls mentioned above.

    Potential dangers of buying a research paper online

    Writing and submitting academic papers is a process that influences your skills and knowledge as well as your grades. No one wants to risk these, and many students are reasonably wary before purchasing a custom research project. So what are the main problems that people are afraid of when they think of placing an order for a paper?

    • Confidentiality breach

    Protecting your personal information is vital for your own financial and personal safety. If your data ends up in the wrong hands, the possibility of it being used for nefarious purposes is quite high, leading to scamming or identity theft attempts.

    • Low quality of the purchased essay

    Usually, students buy research papers online to use as examples for their own papers to avoid mistakes and obtain new knowledge. However, relying on low-quality writing would negatively influence the end result and worsen your academic performance.

    • Plagiarism

    Using ideas from other sources without acknowledging them is a problematic and dangerous approach that might even lead to losing your place in the academic society. Hence, if the writer of your research paper stoops to plagiarism, using his work as a support for your writing would be a risky decision.

    • Overpriced papers

    Different websites offer various prices for their services, and determining if you are paying the right amount for your original academic paper is a challenging task.

    Benefits of purchasing a research paper

    So why should you use custom writing services at all if this approach entails the aforementioned issues? If you cooperate with a reliable and responsible company to buy research papers from, for example, the online paper writing service CustomWritings, the results will definitely be worth the hassle. Let’s take a look at the possible benefits of cooperating with an expert writer.

    • Learning all complex rules of academic writing by yourself is a daunting task. Thankfully, having an expertly written example before your eyes makes this process much easier and quicker. Now you will be able to check without delay if your research paper is appropriately formatted and structured.
    • If you feel like your creativity is exhausted, using new interesting ideas suggested by a professional writer becomes a lifesaver. Furthermore, this way, you will be able to broaden your horizons and develop your imagination to create new concepts by yourself.
    • Finding valuable and reliable academic sources might be challenging for a beginner, but an expert with a lot of experience and knowledge would be able to sift through books and articles to find the required information.
    • Constantly reading well-written papers is the best method to improve your writing ability without excessive effort. Moreover, this approach is beneficial for your English skills if you struggle with mastering the language—especially valuable for students from other countries who come to the UK and the USA.

    How to choose a reliable academic writing company

    Hence, the best way to achieve the benefits of personalized academic assistance without suffering the pitfalls is to select an excellent service you can trust. So what should you consider and check to avoid any problems typically associated with purchasing research papers online?

    • Check reviews and ratings from previous customers

    The easiest way to check if your good impression about the company is correct is by considering opinions from its previous clients on the service’s web page and independent websites. Consider both positive and negative reviews to ensure that you understand all pros and cons of cooperating with this service.

    • Compare prices from different companies

    The price of your assignment might depend on its size, difficulty, and deadline, so properly determining it might be tricky. However, by comparing approximate prices, you might gain an idea about the median pay for a page on the market. Remember that excessively low prices might be an indicator of bad writing.

    • Review writing samples

    Many websites offer free or relatively cheap samples that demonstrate their writers’ level of proficiency and writing skills. Don’t forget to check them as this is the best way to evaluate if the service is suitable for your needs.

    • Consult with customer support representative

    A reliable website that cares for its customers must have a specialized department to support and help them. Therefore, if you don’t understand anything related to your future co-work, don’t hesitate to clear all your questions with a manager.

    • Check the company’s guarantees

    A trustable service should have several guarantees that protect you in case of an emergency. Pay special attention to revision, money-back, and confidentiality guarantees, as they are your insurance for the most critical aspects of your cooperation with the company.


    Co-working with a specialized service to write your research paper has a number of potential issues that can arise if the company isn’t credible enough. However, the advantages of this approach are undeniable, so properly choosing a website to write your paper is crucial. To avoid the pitfalls of this process, thoroughly research the company you are planning to use.

    Checking the opinions of the company’s existing clients is a vital step of the selection process. 

    You can also read samples from the company’s website and talk to the customer service manager to clarify any remaining questions. Finally, read the rules of cooperation and check if the guarantees cover any important emergencies. Such a thorough approach to choosing a company might seem too cumbersome, but it will definitely pay off in the long run as you will receive top-quality services.