Guide to Buying Health Insurance for Senior Citizens

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    t is a blessing to have elders at home and realize how important it is to look after their well-being. Safeguarding your elderly against any calamities becomes a topmost priority in vulnerable times. During the pandemic, senior citizens became more vulnerable to the infection due to their reduced immunity and strength. 

    However, health insurance for senior citizens always backs you up when nothing else comes to the rescue during a health crisis. Medical insurance for seniors is one of the essential responsibilities one should take up for their elderly parents or senior citizens at home. Their life’s golden years deserve to age gracefully. Health Insurance Policy for Parents could be your best present to your parents while they are ageing. 

    Photo: Mathias Zomer, Pexels

    Health Insurance for Parents is specifically designed for individuals above 60. Getting the best health insurance for parents shouldn’t be that difficult if you know what to look for in a health insurance plan. So, whenever you choose a health insurance plan, you must ensure to consider the following points. 

    Domiciliary Hospitalization

    With old age, there are many cases where certain diseases take a long time to heal, and hospitalization isn’t always an option, as getting treated at home sounds like a better option. However, it’s also imperative that the quality of care at home is at par with the care you get at a medical facility. So, choose a policy that offers domiciliary hospitalization as a benefit under their health insurance plans. This can be convenient when someone gets bedridden due to an illness for a certain period of time and needs the best care possible to make a full recovery. 

    Cashless Hospitalization Benefit

    Cashless treatment at hospitals registered with the insurance service provider is offered by all health insurance companies; however, it all boils down to the quality of the hospital on the network. Not all hospitals are covered by every insurance provider, so check the network to find out whether your most preferred hospitals are part of the network or not. Moreover, hospitals within your close vicinity should also be part of that list so that you are never too far away from getting treatment should you ever face an emergency. 

    Look for Added Benefits

    The best health insurance for parents offers added benefits such as the option to get a second opinion; coverage for alternative treatments options such as AYUSH, along with annual health checkups, which are all critical benefits that you must definitely insist on. So, whenever you are buying insurance, do check if these are all part of the plan or not to avoid any surprises later on.

    Daycare Treatment Options

    Many diseases and illnesses no longer require hospitalization, and treatment options can be availed where the patients are free to go home within a few hours. However, not all policies will honor that as they need at least 24 hours of hospitalization for the insurance to kick in and start covering you. Therefore, ensure that your policy comes with an exhaustive list of daycare treatment options to help you access those treatments without having to shell out money from your pocket. 

    Pre- and Post-Hospitalization Coverage 

    Your insurance policy must offer you at least 30 days of pre-hospitalization coverage before a planned surgery to cover you for the diagnostic tests, medicines, doctor’s consultation fee, and other related expenses. Moreover, once you are discharged, it must cover you for at least 60 days of post-hospitalization expenses to help you get better without having to worry about expenses on said diagnostics, medicines and consultations. 

    Look out for the above mentioned benefits whenever you are searching for the best health insurance for senior citizens before buying a policy to get the best benefits possible. Knowing that your insurance policy has your back when you need it is why we opt for a policy in the first place. 

    Care insurance offers the most comprehensive senior citizen insurance plans and has the best health insurance for senior citizens that gives you access to cashless treatment across 16500+ hospitals on their network, with all of the benefits that are discussed above. Their industry-leading in-house teams, along with a stellar record of 95.2% claim settlement ratio, ensure that your claims are honoured, and you don’t have to run pillar to post for your insurance policy to kick in. So, don’t wait; get insured today!