Five Golden Rules of Writing an Essay


    With a new spring semester on the way, it will be the start of the new course, learning new things and then compelling them all in an essay. Hence, the question arises: how do you write a perfect essay? Do you know the ingredients required to write an essay?

    This is because, if you don’t, we are here to help you. All you need to do is look at the next section. We will give you tips on presenting a high-quality essay to the professor. It includes creating a good title focusing on discussing the facts throughout the paper and adding proper citations to avoid plagiarism.  

    In addition, it will help you get an A+ in the coursework and get through the semester easily. So, let us bring out the hidden writer in you. 

    Golden Rules Of Writing An Essay 

    Writing is easy, but it is not everyone’s cup of tea. It requires you to follow some rules and regulations that will increase your paper’s readability. Like science, certain rules will give you the proper outcome. 

    According to Fresh Essays, an online essay writing service in the UK, here are a few rules that will make you the best essay writer – 

    Rule 1: Always Stick To The Facts 

    One of the things that you need to follow is always sticking to the facts in the paper. Every essay comes with facts and figures, which makes it an interesting read for the readers. However, filling the significant portion with fillers will be just a story, not an educational read.     

    Therefore, you need to discuss the facts throughout the essay. Furthermore, support each statement with relevant facts and stats. This will make your paper more functional for people to read. You can use critical thinking in your paper. It will help you to discuss the facts better and add your touch to the paper. 

    Moreover, you should add your thoughts and understanding to make the facts more relevant. Furthermore, showcasing your perceptions of the event is important, as it reflects your knowledge of the paper. 

    Rule 2: Structure The Opening Paragraph Properly

    The introductory paragraph is significant to the essay. It is the roadmap for the reader to understand what will come in the paper. Therefore, it is where you can use your creativity to make it fun to read and ask readers to go to the next sections. 

    For this, you can open the essay with a hook sentence, like stating a fact or writing some stats. This increases the paper’s readability, and more so, in today’s busy world, it is the way to catch people’s attention. Also, you can use quotes to serve the purpose of a hook line. 

    Later, you should give an overview of what will come in the paper, especially in the next sections. This will provide them with the outline of the essay. Lastly, you must give a thesis statement, which you will uncover in the body section. Hence, you will ensure the proper direction for a reader to follow in the essay. 

    Rule 3: Start Each Paragraph With The Topic Sentence 

    When you start to write the body part, you need to break the paragraph in a certain order. It ensures that the information is present in a more structural order. Therefore, it is better to start the paragraph with the topic sentence. This will provide the reader with the information that the heading contains. 

    Consequently, the readers can read the paper easily. Mostly, it will help you with professors who have less time to review the paper. Hence, with headings, they will read the paragraph and try to understand the point you made in each paragraph. 

    Furthermore, you will improve the organization of your essay, which can give you an extra edge in terms of grading. So, for each paragraph, start with a good topic sentence to make readers aware of the information you added under the heading. You can increase the readability power of your essay. 

    Rule 4: To Avoid Plagiarism, Add Citations 

    Plagiarism is a big concern in the academic world. It can lead to your dismissal from the college or university, as it is equivalent to theft. Therefore, you need to write your paper and frame your own words to give justification for the essay topic you chose to write. 

    For this, you can use your critical thinking powers. It will allow you to write and state the facts in your tone and understanding – thus, you will make your masterpiece. Also, you can read the information and then paraphrase it in the paper. This decreases the chance of plagiarism. 

    Lastly, remember to add citations in the essay, as it will showcase a due credit to the scholar whose information helped you with the paper. Hence, add a reference list section at the end of the paper. Also, use in-text citations throughout the paper to make it more original and relevant to read. 

    Rule 5: Go Through The Paper To Avoid Errors

    Lastly, you need to read your paper properly to find the grammatical mistakes and errors in the paper. At first glance, it is impossible to detect the mistakes. Therefore, you can read the essay after an hour with a fresh mind. You will see the errors in the paper and edit them to make the perfect piece of writing. 

    Furthermore, you can also give the paper to your family and friends to read the paper. They will help you to identify the issues in the paper. That way, you can increase the quality of the paper and make it more readable for professors. 

    You can even read the whole essay out loud. It is the most effective way to find the mistakes lurking in the paper. Moreover, you can scrutinize the information, like stats and figures added to the paper. 

    Follow The Rules To Get An A+ 

    In the end, we can say that following the rules will help you get an A+ in the semester. Furthermore, you will become the best essayist in the class and get much appreciation from academic professionals. Also, you can get an opportunity to publish the paper in a journal or a book.