Showcase reading of the best poetry in the West at Charlie Byrne’s

Galway Daily arts & culture Annual Fiction Slam returns to Charlie Byrne's

Over the Edge is bringing the best new works from some of the finest poets in the west of Ireland today to Galway.

The 2019 Over The Edge Poetry Book Showcase is a retrospective of poetry published in the past year taking place at Charlie Byrne’s bookshop.

Poets in the West of Ireland who published a collection in 2018 are invited to perform a reading of three poems from the collection in question.

The line up for this year’s poetry reading includes Trevor Conway, Rachel Coventry, Maureen Curran, Jessamine O’Connor, Moya Roddy, Eileen Sheehan, Denis Mockler, Bernie Crawford, John W. Sexton, Ruth Quinlan, Susan Lindsay, Lindy Newns, André Rostant.

Also on the evening in question there will also be readings from the Blue Nib chapbook III and the anthology Poems for Grenfell Tower (Onslaught Press)

All are welcome at this free event taking place at Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop on Friday, February 8.

For further details about this or other events taking place for Over the Edge 2019 phone 087-6431748.

Over The Edge is supported by The Arts Council, Poetry Ireland and Galway City Council.