Explore the flora and fauna of Merlin Woods this Biodiversity week

Galway Daily life & style Explore the flora and fauna of Merlin Woods this Biodiversity week

Biodiversity Week is coming up and the Friends of Merlin Woods are inviting people to join them and explore the flora and fauna that call our local woodlands home.

To mark the beginning of Biodiversity Week starting on Sunday, May 19 Friends of Merlin Woods are launching their new 22 page booklet ‘A Guide to the Flora and Fauna of Merlin Woods’ at Merlin Woods Community Garden.

“Seven years of recording, photographing and learning about the species and the habitats of Merlin Woods has been brought together to provide the user with an easy guide to take with them on adventures of discovery throughout the woodland habitats,” a statement from the group read.

There is no charge for the booklet but a donation of €2 is suggested so more copes of the booklet can be printed.

A Guide to the Flora and Fauna of Merlin Woods

National Biodiversity Week is all about connecting people with nature. It’s about communicating the importance of biodiversity and motivating people to play their part in protecting it.

It’s also about entertaining them, showing the fun and wonder that can be found in nature, and inspiring people to learn more, see more, do more.

Throughout the week different groups will be holding events all around Merlin Park and Woods exploring the wide variety of life that thrives there.

Galway Bat Group will be leading a nighttime walk on Monday, May 20 from 9:30pm to go in search of our nocturnal friends as they fly and forage among the trails and around the castle.

Then on Tuesday pay a visit to the SAP Green Team in Parkmore for a talk and presentation on the local flora and fauna here in Merlin Woods.

John Lusby from Birdwatch Ireland will lead a walk for the Dusk Chorus identifying our birdlife by sight and sound at from 7-9pm on Wednesday, May 22.

And then relax and draw some of the beautiful wildflowers in Galway in Botanical Art with Debbie Reilly from 7-8:30pm in Thursday.

On Friday the students of Merlin College will be walking the trails as they go on a journey through the woodlands exploring the wildlife all around us.

Saturday will feature a great family event to hear about butterflies, hoverflies, bees, and dragonflies; where they live and how they survive from 12-2pm in Butterflies and Nature with Colin Stanley.

And rounding out the week is a relaxing session of yoga surrounded by the noises of wildlife from 9:30-10:30pm on Sunday, May 26 with Yoga Stretch. Suggested donation €5.

All public events meet at Merlin Woods Community Garden just past the playground in Doughiska.

For more information contact friendsofmerlinwoods@gmail.com or 0852484380.