Honey Show & Fair to showcase the sweet art of beekeeping

Galwy Daily life & style Honey Fair & Show showing the sweet success of beekeeping

Galway Beekeepers’ Association is bringing together people new to the art of beekeeping with seasoned veterans for a public fair this month.

On Saturday, November 17 the GBKA is holding a Hone Show & Fair in Galway City with lectures and competitions for beekeepers, and an exhibition on beekeeping and the products of the hive that’s free and open to the public.

The Honey Show & Fair will take place at St. Patrick’s School Hall on Market Street, kicking off at 10am with guest lectures for beekeepers and honey judging for 10 classes of hive products.

The public fair and exhibition, free and open to all, will follow that afternoon at 2:30pm.


In recent times public awareness of the central role that bees play in pollinating so many of the plants that we rely on for our food has grown massively.

The Galway Beekeepers’ Association are trying to contribute to furthering this knowledge by showing the public what is involved in beekeeping and the products that come of it.

Honey is no doubt the first thing that springs to mind when you ask yourself what bees make. But that is only the start of it.

Wax products such as polishes, balms, and candles will also be on display. A topical subject, as they can be ideal stocking fillers coming up to Christmas.

If you are thinking of getting into beekeeping, what better way to see the in’s and out’s of the craft than going along to see the processes and meet the people with the experience.

Beekeepers are always happy to meet and share their experiences and encourage as many as possible to get involved.

Bees cluster up inside their hives at this time of year to keep their queen warm.  So there will not be any live bees at the exhibition.

Galway Beekeepers run beginner’s courses every Autumn and Spring as demand requires.  The Autumn course is entering its final weeks already but slots are available for a Spring delivery. The course is limited to 20 participants.

For more information, email secretary@galwaybeekeepers.com or pop along on Saturday 16th November.