Going wild for Biodiversity Week in Merlin Woods

Going wild for Biodiversity Week in Merlin Woods

It’s going to be a wild week with the Friends of Merlin Woods bringing another dazzling look at Galway’s natural world for Biodiversity Week.

Biodiversity Week takes place nationwide and is a wonderful opportunity for local communities to learn about the importance of their local areas.

Our wild places and green/blue spaces need protecting from the harm which can occur through human activities.

Ireland is undergoing a Biodiversity crisis presently, and through education and awareness we can all play our part to ensure a future for our wildlife.

The Friends of Merlin Woods are hosting a wide range of free public events for Biodiversity Week, starting from this weekend.

Saturday, May 20 12-2pm – Wildlife and Butterflies led by Colin Stanley FoMW

Explore the wonderful variety of butterflies, bees and other insects in Merlin Woods and learn about their needs and habitat requirements for survival.

Sunday, May 21 12-2pm – Exploring Merlin Woods led by Caroline Stanley FoMW

This is general walk around the woods to show people the rich heritage features and variety of habitats within the woods.

Monday, May 22 7-8.30pm – Rivers and Ponds Projects led by Paula Kearney, Galway City Biodiversity officer.

Returning water to the Woodland to preserve the life of our native species is important. Galway’s Biodiversity Officer will lead people on a walk to talk about how and where we can start that process and what needs to be done.

Tuesday, May 23 7-9pm – Conservation Workshop led by Friends of Merlin Woods

The woods are popular these days. With that trampling affecting our wildlife and the opening of new paths by walkers can occur. This event will look at restoring some of our natural wild habitats and preventing trampling using material found in the woodlands to re route walkers back to the original paths.

Wednesday, May 24 9.30-11pm – Bat walk led by Caitriona Carlin, Galway Bat group, Bat Conservation Ireland

Bat walks are always so exciting with Caitriona Carlin and with a vast knowledge of bats everyone is sure to enjoy this extremely popular night-time walk.

Thursday, May 25 7-9pm – Dusk Chorus with John Lusby Birdwatch Ireland

John Lusby of Birdwatch Ireland is back again for the dusk chorus. Learn to recognise bird calls and learn about the behaviour of a variety of our woodland birds with a chance of seeing a few active on the evening.

Friday, May 26 11-1pm – ATU BIOBLITZ meeting ATU campus Dublin Rd

It is always exciting to visit areas where wildlife corridors can exist and support the wildlife of Merlin Woods. ATU Galway City Environmental Society are inviting people to their BIOBLITZ on the campus grounds, identifying and recording everything we can find.

Saturday, May 27 12-2pm – Wildflowers with Ciaran Bruton BSBI Galway

Merlin Woods has a fabulous array of wildflowers, grasses and Orchids. May is a wonderful time to see many species and a walk led by Ciaran Bruton is highly informative and one will always learn so much from through these walks.

Sunday, May 28 12-2pm – Botanical art with Debbie Reilly

The final event is a beautiful botanical art workshop with Debbie who collaborates closely with Friends of Merlin Woods and the community immersed and aware of our local biodiversity. All participants will go home with a beautiful piece of artwork .

Booking will be needed for Botanical Art through Eventbrite as spaces are limited and for more info on any event email eventsmerlinwoods@gmail.com .

All events meeting points at Merlin Woods Community Garden unless otherwise stated.

Please wear appropriate footwear and outdoor clothing. Please leave dogs at home unless essential for your needs .