Galway food company delivers hundreds of free meals to front line staff

Galway Daily life & style Galway food company delivers hundreds of free meals to front line staff

The public health crisis that has gripped Ireland has brought out the best in people in recent days, with countless individuals and groups coming forward to support those on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Galway based healthy food preparation and delivery company Clean Cut Meals were one of the many who stepped up, announcing that they will be delivering free meals to medical personnel and other workers on the front line of this crisis.

Their efforts have gotten off to an incredible start, with hundreds of people fed in a single day of deliveries this week.

In order to support and expand on their efforts to keep feeding the people keeping the rest of us safe, they have launched a GoFundMe page where people can donate to help out their efforts to keep front line staff well fed.

“On Monday we did a Clean Cut Meals food drop to over 500 medical and front line staff throughout Ireland, getting them direct access to healthy, nutrition dense food at their place of work.”

“We know they don’t have time to shop for food, let alone prepare and cook it,” said Michael Dyer co-owner of Clean Cut Meals.

A nurse working in the ICU text them to say “you made my day”, Michael says, adding that its the simple little things in life that can mean the most.

“Food is a basic human right and we need our front line workers, as well as vulnerable and elderly people to be as fit and healthy as they can be.

Michael points out that they have all the resources they need to do this, the kitchen facilities, the chefs and the distribution channels, which are already set up to require minimal contact with the customer.

“However, we are a small business and cannot sustain this financially on our own, so we’re asking for your help us to help those who need it most.”

This, he added, is why they are launching a GoFundMe page to support their efforts and keep delivering healthy, nutritious meals to the people that need them in this time of crisis.