Galway storyteller finds a new audience

galway storyteller

For years Rab Fulton has entertained crowds at the Crane Bar and at various other venues around the city and the area with his dramatic portrayals of magic and the wee folk.

He packs the crane on Thursday nights and tells the stories to a candlelit room. He takes tales of long ago, leads listeners through the winding details to a generally surprising end.

He teaches storytelling, is an accomplished author of adult and children’s stories and is always up for sharing his trade. From Glasgow, he was raised in environment of stories and has successfully turned his love and his talent into a vocation.

Now he’s embracing the future of storytelling.

Not only has he written his own version of an ongoing story called Marcus Marcus and the Hurting Heart, he is offering it in podcast size installments on the internet.

“I had 60 chapters written and thought this would be a grand way to share it,” he says to his newest audience at the Galway City Library. Future podcasters there to learn about how he does what he does and how they can too.

“I am all about stories, I always have been. And I want everyone to be able to share theirs as well, he says in his thick Scottish brogue.

“I am a great consumer of podcasts and feel like it’s a grand medium and I want others to embrace it as well. So this way we can all share ideas. I can share what I’ve learned doing this so far, and hear how others are doing it as well.”

It truly is a way to weave the ancient art of storytelling with future technology. You can find Rab at the Crane Bar in Galway Thursday evenings.

And you can find Marcus Marcus and the Hurting Heart at