City council invites applications to lease allotments


Galway City Council is inviting applications from people interested in leasing allotments over the next three years.

The City Council runs two sets of allotments at Merlin Woods and Shantalla, giving city residents a place to grow their own fruit, vegetables, or flower gardens.

The council is now inviting applications frok who wish to be considered for any vacant plots that may arise in these two sites, or any new developed sites, from 2022-2024.

Application forms can be found online, or are available from city hall in person, or by calling 091 536400, or emailing

People can only apply for a single location, on the east or west side of the city.

The closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday, July 22.

If there are more applications than available allotment plots, then a draw will take place for who receives one, and to place people on a waiting list.

More details about the scheme, and the full terms of compliance for those who lease allotments from the city council, can be downloaded from the council website.