Casino On the Go—How Handheld Technology is Transforming the Way We Play


    The ability to play at casinos from the comfort of our own homes has transformed the industry as we know it. In the past, it could take weeks of planning and effort to schedule a trip to the casino. A little bit later down the line, it would require an expensive PC that not everyone had access to. Now, it simply requires a few taps on any modern smartphone. So, how has this affected the casino industry, our experiences, and how we perceive casinos? Well, let’s find out.

    In this article, we will take a look at how handheld technology is transforming the way we play online casinos—going through the many different ways iGaming has developed and evolved through the years to get to where we are today and exploring how these changes affect the way we interact with casinos. Let’s get right into it. 

    No Barriers to Entry

    The first, and perhaps most significant, way that handheld technology is changing the iGaming industry is by demolishing the barriers to entry. As we mentioned, getting access to casino games in the past used to be a whole ordeal. You had to book time off work, potentially spend money on overnight accommodation, deal with lengthy travel times and pay for any necessities. 

    Even when computers entered the scene, only those who had good enough computers could enjoy a good experience at casinos. While they certainly gave more people access to casino games, not everyone wanted to spend money on an expensive PC.

    Enter, smartphones. Everybody has a smartphone. Even people in rural communities often have a smartphone, or they know someone who does—smartphones are an essential tool for modern life. Keeping this in mind, being able to access online casinos on smartphones has opened the industry up to more people than ever before.

    You don’t even need one of the top mobile phones—any somewhat modern device will suffice. This reduces the barrier to entry, it means that anyone can access the wonderful world of casinos without purchasing an expensive PC or having to head to the closest establishment.

    A More Casual Experience

    A side effect of the popularity of mobile casinos is that the casino experience itself is changing for many people. Handheld technology is incredibly advanced. From cyber security in cars to advanced AI systems, we can do practically anything on modern smartphones. However, one area where they do falter is their controls. 

    While it is perfectly possible to play games comfortably, smartphones are not as versatile as PCs and laptops when it comes to controls. This means that playing at casinos can sometimes feel clunky, or at least not as seamless as when playing on other platforms. 

    Because of this, casinos have adapted. Most casinos now value simplicity over complexity, choosing to go for simple games like slots that can easily be played on mobile, as opposed to advanced variations of poker or blackjack. 

    Now, the most popular games on most iGaming platforms are simple variations of slots, and this is due to the fact that they feel incredible to play on mobile — leading to the whole industry becoming much more casual in nature. 

    Mobile Optimisation is Now a Priority

    According to research by, mobile-friendly casino sites have become a key factor in boosting player engagement in Ireland. With estimates showing that over half of the iGaming player base now prefers mobile, the convenience of playing on the go and the quality of the mobile experience have made optimisation a necessity. As this trend continues to grow, casinos that fail to adapt risk falling behind in an increasingly competitive market.

    Figures vary, but most estimates suggest that over half of the overall iGaming player base prefers mobile. You can play on the go, don’t need to buy a PC or head to a casino, and can access to a quality experience. Taking this into consideration, it only makes sense that online casinos are catering more and more to their mobile player base. 

    This trend is likely to continue as handheld devices become even more widespread. That goes without even mentioning the many accessories that make handheld gaming more enjoyable. 

    Catering to mobile players is now a necessity for online casinos. Any that refuse to get in on the trend, either out of ignorance or lack of resources, are undoubtedly going to fall behind.


    We hope we have given you a better insight into how handheld technology is changing the way we play. While we might not notice it, the iGaming industry is evolving before our very eyes. Now, almost every iGaming experience is aimed at mobile players, and while there are still plenty of people who play on PC, the benefits of handheld options make targeting them much more appealing. 


    It won’t be a shock to see the industry become a predominately mobile sector in the near future. The players have spoken, and this is what the majority want. Smartphones are just more accessible and offer much more for less. Sure, you may lose out on screen size, graphics, and smooth controls, but the convenience they provide far outweighs any negatives. See you next time.