Being a Live Casino Dealer – Things You Should Know


    After the online casino industry took the world by storm, it quickly became obvious that betting and gambling will never be the same again. However, next to the numerous online games that this industry made possible, it also created an opportunity for people to get new jobs worldwide.

    One such job is being a live casino dealer. Online casino dealer jobs are becoming more and more popular. Yet, not many people know a lot about them. We all know that it has to do with live dealer casino games. But what are the necessary qualifications? Is there a casino dealer school that you should know of? So, if you are looking for a new job or wondering how to become a casino dealer, get ready to take some notes, because in this article we’ll provide you with some must-know facts.

    What Are The General Requirements To Be a Live Casino Dealer?

    Getting a job as a live casino dealer isn’t as easy as it might seem. Even though many things about your new job can depend on casino ranking and reputation, there are certain requirements that apply to almost all online venues. Firstly, you must be of legal age, which means 21 years old or older. Additionally, you shouldn’t have any criminal record. Another requirement for being a live casino dealer includes your personality. If you’re timid or not so good at talking to people, then this job isn’t the right fit for you. A live dealer should be chatty and engaging, but also able to listen carefully to what others are saying.

    It’s crucial for you to know how all live casino games work. You’ll be the one who, in a certain way, guides the players. Therefore it’s impossible to do that if you don’t know all the rules and how a game’s played. Moreover, in order to be a good live casino dealer, you must be able to calculate and think fast. And lastly, you must know to speak English fluently. Even though there are many live casino games out there that are now offering the possibility to participate in a live casino game in your own language, by having a native casino card dealer, this is still a very small percentage of online venues. Most of them will
    require you to do your job in English.

    How Do You Become A Professional Live Casino Dealer?

    As mentioned above, there are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled before thinking about the next step. After you’re sure that you checked out on all of these requirements, it’s time to think about professional casino dealer training.

    There are various casino dealer school programs that you can join. Trained professionals who are in charge will explain everything from scratch. From the basic rules of every online casino game to how you should operate and control the games, but also how to collect and pay the debts, and even how to spot if someone is cheating. The duration of every training depends on the program that you choose for yourself, but most of them last at least 5 weeks. But you should remember, the longer the training, the more practice you get and therefore end up being a true professional.

    For the online version of every game, you should also practice your performance in front of a camera. Sometimes the connection is poor so you might have issues understanding the players, or seeing them. But this doesn’t mean that you should lose your temper. Stay in control and keep your cool. Your appearance and attitude is everything when it comes to both land-based and online casino games.

    How Much Does a Casino Dealer Make?

    One of the questions that anyone who’s thinking about turning this into their profession is how much does a casino dealer make?

    Being a novice live casino dealer means starting off with a minimum salary. The dealer’s salary in online casinos in Ireland isn’t big but it has the potential of increasing over time if you prove yourself to be an indisposable member of the casino that hired you. Moreover, you can even double your casino dealer salary with tips. Over 60% of your salary can be based on tips.

    What Does a Regular Day of a Live Casino Dealer Look Like?

    Every casino dealer works for eight and a half hours per day. The shift lasts for eight hours, but you’ll need at least half an hour to prepare. This includes putting on make up and the casino dealer costume, doing your hair, and everything else that will make you look presentable.

    Depending on the online operator, you’ll either work from the land-based venue that has a studio of its own or go to a separate location that’s only made for that purpose. Either way, it’s a studio with one or several roulette tables. One table can be shared by two people per shift, depending on the number of users that play with that operator.

    Since most live operators are available 24/7, this means that live dealers work in different shifts – morning, afternoon, and night. When the shift begins, the dealer stands behind the table and in front of a number of monitors. Usually, on some of these monitors, they can see themselves and how the player sees them. They are always in contact with the surveillance team, their manager, as well as the other dealer who’s there to replace them. One of the monitors in front of the table is the Dealer User Interface. This is a kind of a guide to the ongoing game that shows them when to spin, when the bets are closed, hot and cold numbers, etc. The camera that films the dealer is usually the indicator that the live session is one, after the red light that starts to blink.

    To Sum Up

    For people who have played any online or land-based casino game with a dealer, it might seem that this is a fairly easy job. It goes without saying, that the online market will provide more open positions for people who are pursuing this profession. But, even the online version of the job is far from being easy and without its challenges. However, if you’re passionate about online casino games and you’re willing to show dedication and commitment, this might be the perfect job for you.