Wednesday – The Scots and Plantation Ulster lecture

scots and plantation

Lecture on the Scots and Plantation Ulster by Dr. William Roulston
Wednesday, March 21 @ 1pm
Room G010, Hardiman building, NUI Galway
Free entry

Join the NUIG Archaeological Society this Wednesday at 1PM in G010 in the Hardiman building for their final lecture of this year!

Dr. William Roulston of the Ulster Historical Foundation will give a lecture on the Scots and Plantation Ulster, providing an overview of the Scottish contribution to the Ulster Plantation as well as discussing the background and history of the Scottish engagement in Ulster.

He will also discuss the archaeological evidence of the Scots in the early seventeenth century.

Dr. Roulston will also be leading the society’s upcoming tour of Barsoncourt Estate on the 14th of April (there are still seats left!) so it is a perfect opportunity to meet him and learn some amazing history/archaeology in the process!

Remember this is the NUIG Archaeology society’s last lecture of the year and it will be a good one so come along! All are welcome!