Wednesday – Healthy Galway City public consultation in Westside

healthy galway city public consultation

Healthy Galway City public consultation meeting in Westside
Wednesday, February 28 @ 7-9pm in the Westside Community Resource Centre

You are invited to have your say at the Westside residents consultation meeting to develop the Halthy Galway City Needs Analysis and Strategic Plan.

Healthy Galway City was established under the Healthy Ireland Framework (the national framework for action to improve the health and well-being of Ireland over the coming generation). Healthy Galway City is now undertaking a needs analysis and developing its strategic plan for 2018-2021.

Healthy Galway City will hold a consultation workshop to hear of the views of Westside residents on priorities for health and well-being in your area. Share your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives on building a healthy Galway City with us.

Please register your interest in attending and RSVP to