Thursday – Galway Bay Cycling Club Open Night

Galway Bay Cycling Club

Galway Bay Cycling Club Open Night
Thursday, February 22 @ 7.30 pm
Galway Community College (at Moneenageisha Cross, opposite the g hotel)

Galway Bay Cycling Club is delighted to invite all current and prospective new members of all ages and abilities to their open night at Galway Community College, which is bound to be a bit of craic as well as an informative and interesting evening.

If you’re interested in taking up or getting back into cycling, why not come along to meet current Galway Bay Cycling Club members and learn about the history of the club and their plans for the future.

Food is very near to any cyclist’s heart, so there will be pizza on the night – and of course, lycra will feature heavily with the launch of the brand new Galway Bay Cycling Club kit.

As if that wasn’t enough, the club is absolutely thrilled to welcome honorary club member Sean “King” Kelly, who will be there on the night. He will be displaying some of his priceless coveted trophies from his phenomenal professional career.

It’s a great opportunity to meet with one of Ireland’s most successful sportspeople in a relaxed and casual atmosphere.

Galway Bay Cycling Club welcomes new members of any level at any time. Club members are happy to walk anyone through the online membership process on the night also.

Don’t be intimidated by the lycra!